"default gender". A dog would usually be "he", a cat "she". 一般默认将狗狗称作“he”,叫猫猫用“she”,不分雌雄。难怪从前有人听到我用“SHE”称呼秋香,总要好玩地皱起眉头: “SHE”?? "Why yes, B-I-C-H-I." = = @秋秋秋恒 ps. "he" for horse, "she" for goat, sheep, cow 净身后: neutered展开全文 原微博
被工作感情两头锤击的二货,最欢喜一丝清风样幽默:问小Jee: when will you be back? J: Aug 20 M:Have you anything vulnerable in the suitcase? Like, a pet to feed in time? J: I din't tell you about my parrot?! Norweign blue, lovely plummage. I guess now it must be a dead parrot! 展开全文 原微博
Please welcome Dr William Buckland! Good day to you, madame, and may I say it's a deep honour for me, 2 b on your esteemed entertainment programme. I only hope I live up to your splendiferous introduction. --- Is that Victorian for hello? Yes. o(╯□╰)o Horrible Histories S01E04展开全文 原微博
看过《苍蝇》:3 Kafkaesque prophecy of our being (fight or flight, life-or-death struggle or symbiotic harmony). Could be political if you bear the grande opening of Titoism 60s in mind, but not all necessary. ★★★★ 🔗 网页链接展开全文
经典镜头:鼠类视角仰视夜巡者/透明化天花板踱步/俯角螺旋楼梯扶手/两次阴阳刻murder+两次三重渐进闪烁的Tonight, Golden Curls! ... 经典插白:I will get you! 配乐贲张 先行得几有MV感 朋友嫌满 却对我胃口 整场high爆 除了近尾声两段突然插入的人声浅吟低唱 美学违和感 ps. 票纸是开场20分才捞到的展开全文
I'd walk to hell and back To see you smile On saturday (whereas...) ╭(╯^╰)╮ remaining Mark Linkous, little homecoming queen, the blue green summer, etc, etc... 展开全文