sure...//@cali49a: Hail Mary!My dear God of Kawaii !Im ur die-hard fan 4ever!I luv you so much that I've posted tons of Weibos about u!Can u gimme a signature jersey? I'll send U my address via weibo's private message//@lonerkidd: @cali49a 人人都爱你家的萌神他是个好后卫//展开全文
@痞G泰來 yoyoyo check it out, an oversea dog learns to hiphop, 满口洋文一脸怂样,u dig me? MC 圆脸苦逼?人家的swag是ball so hard, 你丫这是蛋so疼啊,耳机线下面没耳机戴着纯装逼的吧?“双手插口袋,帽子戴歪歪,”啊偏题了。negative points! Let them show off, you'd better fuck off!展开全文