为期一个月的毕业旅行结束,正式进入无业游民状态,要开始努力找工作啦!待业在家期间会不时放出旅行照片骚扰大家,欢迎大家来找我闲聊![亲亲][亲亲][亲亲] 原微博 lmtvera
各位厦门的亲们,最近大家出门小心啊,看了brt新闻心有余悸!大家保重!@Glory洒狗血般赶paper @c小丛扁扁 @黑貓小魔女的包子鋪 @Leaf的城堡 @Jio神 @lttlttfls 原微博 lmtvera
Working at W hotel in Fort Lauderdale for Fish tank kings season 2 premiere show today. Great location, great event, but u won't feel it as u can't enjoy the wine and food as u need to work with the media and guests for all night! 展开全文原微博