@Adele 《Cold Shoulder》 在西藏反复播放这首歌。睡不着的时候听。在纳木错边,在八廓街的人潮里哼。那时候,不知道有些事情已经发生了。现在回想,其实只是到时间超脱了,不过是痛苦一些,解脱得更彻底。远山,喇嘛,哲蚌寺,涌动的经幡,布达拉宫打开的窗,都是预兆。 🔗 网页链接 原微博 karencake
投名状!@Funky何伊宁 @kafkaf 原微博 karencake
wow! I didn;t know he killed himself!//@ChenAric: Wow, thanks for this. Can you tell me where you found it? Tobias Wong did do almost the exact same thing about ten years ago with Issey Miyake Final Home mittens. He would love being copied like this! 展开全文原微博