Back in Shanghai... Aii... Pathway.. The one lesson I learned this trip is private things go into private bags. @TyrexxxxxHuang bjs. i need to tell you the 后续of this story.展开全文 原微博
@TyrexxxxxHuang dude get on skype and in the pathway group chat @jose瞧糞 stalked sam and danny on fb with a lot of 劲爆的照片(including sam's wife的photo)!!!!!!!!展开全文 原微博
Josephine Chan 瞧粪: had sam worked out more, he would have less fat Julie 馬兒: sam: no error @jose瞧糞 I really couldn't resist putting this on. this is NOT ONLY a funny joke BUT ALSO very true <-- get it? @TyrexxxxxHuang@cecilia222展开全文 原微博
Josephine Chan 瞧粪: 然後我們這樣互相鼓勵各種 TAT 青春 by @jose瞧糞.@TyrexxxxxHuang@cecilia222 finally she said something profound. 我看到有种很有感触的feeling, 想想the first days we were here. aiii all the SAT and 青春!展开全文 原微博
@TyrexxxxxHuang@cecilia222 guyss are you gonna write the essay? and u know if we fail the vocab quiz tmr 晚上要考到过关才可以走诶..... wtfwtfwtf 简直就是地狱嘛...展开全文 原微博