地点:top of The Standard; 时间:周日下午2点;人物事件:等seat的时候,发现Joseph Gordon-Levitt正在走过来,隔着1米朝我微笑了一下,然后带上框架眼镜。结果:走进去的时候发现里面的女生都在朝某个方向窃窃私语。小玩家反正手机没电只好装淡定。#500 days of summer##小玩家又碰到明星了#展开全文
到目前为止好像还没人贴这个消息:#Joseph Gordon-Levitt# will be doing an AMA on 18th September at 7pm!到时候可以去reddit向#囧瑟夫#提各种问题,什么三观不正无下限的问题都不会被删,当然答不答要看JGL的意思。🔗 网页链接展开全文
//@赵翔宇solomon: 加油//@财经网: 【Never Give Up】no matter how many times, somebody tells you it ain't working/Never never give up, never never give up--Whitney Houston-- 🔗 网页链接展开全文
hitRECordJoe I saw the Don Jon trailer and I recognized Maria Ozawa in the porn you're watching. Not sure what to think about this.这条推提到Don Jon的预告片里JGL看的porn是小泽玛利亚的老周难道你平时也看日本AV?展开全文 原微博