美剧开播了,罪案剧推荐号称最真实破案的law and order:LVU 系列,这个长寿剧集已经15季了,追这个剧8年了,不靠帅哥美女和不靠谱的炫技术,永远内容为王;轻喜剧推荐The Middle,比浮华的modern family 更能真实反映美国人的生活,动漫当然是永远的南方公园@狐左狐右@草莓绘@花小楹展开全文
An excellent book to address china' role and influence in Security Council, deciphering why china wield veto to protect rogue regime. You'll find out China deserves the term of superpower at any measures, but although Russia is the truly great manipulator of superpowers.@花小楹展开全文
A philosopher is someone who goes into a dark room at night, to look for a black cat that isn’t there. A theologian does the same thing, but comes out claiming he found the cat.@花小楹@曹海丽@李开复展开全文 原微博