Tim Cook 发布会上有一句话,只有体验了这次产品更新,你才体会得到:其他移动设备都像苍蝇一样乱撞,根本不知道未来的方向,而苹果却非常清晰移动设备的未来在哪儿。我收回昨天的那句话,软件升级后的iPad,不仅仅适合经理以上人群办公使用,同样适合需要做编辑工作的屌丝。iPad Air! I am all in!!!展开全文 原微博
Market decide man. Let the market choose the company survive or Bankrupt. Investors should be happy it can charges more than average and still can sell the rubbish coffee in volume. Great business man, great business.展开全文
试玩儿过后,觉得没啥意思,最近很少玩游戏了,觉得iOS游戏到了一个瓶颈。要突破,真的需要take advantages of iOS 7 support for third-party game controllers,会把iOS游戏体验带上一个新台阶。看懂今年的苹果不难,Android和三星也都将面临更复杂的竞争。继续看好苹果设备,看空AAPL。展开全文
My biggest regret is that I wasn't showing interests to the computing industry when I was in school . And later as I start the business, I found out, that industry is what I am passionate the most. Hope someday, I can go back to school and start my second dream somewhere near. 展开全文
This is one of the great things of free market. Free competition bring down the price of general products. For those companies targeted at large volume with lower profit, they bring the the price. Those ones aiming at higher profit, they keep inventing the new technology.展开全文
Sorry. There's nothing you and me can do. Just put your money into right place. And stay out of the shit. //@戴叮当灵: 要做的很多,哪个才是第一块多米诺骨牌呢?//@davidzhouyu: 此逻辑,A股明年必须向上才足以缓解楼压力,减缓高房价必然导致崩盘,时间换空间。新班子没有选择,必须给民展开全文
Plant lives on planet where suits. //@谭沂丹: 两位说的是事情的不同面。//@秋风论道: 企业家群体精神的衰败是强势政府兴起的最根本的原因。看看现在企业家群体中那种猥琐相,要么积极行贿,要么像百度那样与特权配合,要么准备逃跑,有什么资格抱怨政府?企业家群体总想做制度变革的搭便车者。展开全文