@辰亦儒 送給你[太开心][爱你] hope you like it![呵呵] Sorry it was too simple[委屈] #CarpeDiemAnEpistle# 查看全文>> 原微博 clarisetan
[可憐][可憐][可憐] @辰亦儒 為什麼你很帥啊?[可憐][可憐][可憐] 原微博 clarisetan
listening to @辰亦儒 lovely voice [可憐][花心][愛你][心] 原微博 clarisetan
@辰亦儒 @Alexander亞歷山大 [嘻嘻][哈哈] Don't do this! 原微博 clarisetan
@辰亦儒 [可憐] missing you more each day[淚] 怎麼辦? 原微博 clarisetan
@辰亦儒 Calvin! Thanks for the fantastic time! I would never forget this trip! After all, you just gave me the trip I won't forget! Best trip ever! I39;ll see you when you release your EP Kay? [爱你][嘻嘻] missyah!~ and I really hope you could get some rest soon [泪] 展开全文原微博 clarisetan
@辰亦儒 Calvin I hope you're feeling better already. Take care kay? 原微博 clarisetan
@挚爱尊儒东纶_Alicia 哈哈哈! 原微博 clarisetan
@daisy_deer @逆向旅程--cc_ru @逆向旅程-儒lyricalp @candlise 原微博