今天美利坚独立日没嘟都,昨天卡夫卡变形了,看来谷歌玻璃和国会炒饭又走火。卫报说,国会执认玻璃大逆不道,谷歌间歇被虐见怪不怪,感叹何事一炬,已然焦土。大火烧了毛毛虫,烧到一条不剩还要求活性肥力不减,强土所难。Sear not on thy sole, but on my soul, Thou makest thy land quiet.展开全文
回复@SummerSunnyLily: 惭愧!我读文科不知此人。因为抽屉里发现避孕套,被剑桥取消教席,果然腐国//SummerSunnyLily:回复@西木枣: William Empson:1930年,燕卜荪在剑桥大学由数学专业转读文学专业,写有《复义七型》(Seven Types of Ambiguity)。都是理科出身的文青~ //@SummerSunnyLily: 展开全文
“The common currency, it seems, is the first Panzer Division of the Fourth Reich, and Angela Merkel is now pilloried in some countries — notably Greece — as a closet Hitler. ” Panzer Division是二战德国装甲师。看到扭腰时报把王牌军抬出来吐喋血槽的时候,大部队在拨帽穗了展开全文 原微博
没经历过也许想不出地狱是怎样的。看完我再不想碰战争片了,后来忍不住又看了几遍。幸好没生在战乱,空气再差龟个毛呢。他们会说“God's in his heaven, all's right with the world.”现在得说,Flu’s in the air, none’s all right without care.展开全文
馒头蘸血的『药』方由来已久,百年前有人舔过红酒。读到「『A—a—a—business, business!』he urged, with a moisture that was not of business shining on his cheek.」忍不住了赶紧合上。小年夜耶差点给老狄的魔鬼段子毁了。还好总有熟悉的声音,把我从大革命拉回来,不至于说Long live the Devil!展开全文
去坎特伯雷路上,巴斯夫人歪引圣经,舌战同行的标老儿。也是自报家门,石道姑拿千字文开涮。好好一句黄钟大吕的『律吕调阳』,经她嗓子出来,成了No.郑声in A major。孤陋如我,竟不知六律六吕身兼定音器和定节气。柏拉图还没说Music molds character,阿拉老早究天人之气,通阴阳之变,定十二音阶了。展开全文
晨起刷牙,辘辘远听送奶车,困死默哆歪叽“On one of those sober and rather melancholy days, [...]in rambling about Westminster Abbey.”边呗边想当年,时方季夏,大鬼寺人头攒动,不觉阴悄动人,矧与地下鬼雄款语(吾英不全)。经林氏Occam's razor削刮,和欧文比起来,近乎鲁本斯和徐青藤。展开全文
还喜欢迪克先生那怪胎(同性相吸吧),喜欢看他放风筝。我常想,当他把写着满纸荒唐言的大风筝放到天边,扯断了线,他的疯病兴许就好了。“'There's plenty of string,' said Mr. Dick, 'and when it flies high, it takes the facts a long way. That's my manner of diffusing 'em. ”@kan1973展开全文 原微博
晓磊老师,silence speaks volumes—I won’t tell you how disinterested I am, though I buy every word you've said to me.:) 您没打句点歇声了,我就当此篇结束啦,等看“逆天”恶果:我这八月飞雪,你那菜花全蔫?//@一一格格巫: 昨晚同床,今饮交杯。陈大麻子和王二麻子逆天了@chestnutjujube展开全文 原微博