#song of the day# Joan Armatrading, Goddess Of Change 🔗 网页链接 一年前就想貼這首,今天終於找到了。Ganesha也好,Oya也罷,要說的都是"seize the moment"吧~"Oh my, it's funny how things turn out fine / Worries, they always seem much worse at night"展开全文
#song of the day# Patti Smith, People Have The Power 🔗 网页链接 認識P. S.就是從這首歌開始的,我熟悉的那個不插電版收錄在Bridge School義演的Vol. 1裡,那盤磁帶完全沒被打到,反覆聽的除了這首還有Tracy Chapman的All That You Have Is Your Soul。展开全文
my study / studio - featuring my guitar Asuka (the one i'm holding), Taubenfeld (the one that's standing), our keyboard player Adriana, and her keyboard Aha~展开全文