#DW#首先恭喜PC叔拿到12 作为DW粉兼演员这应该是至高荣耀…虽则一直伪粉 记得嘅PC嘅角色系Skins/Midnight Man(一度脸盲分不清PC和JN…连同Accused佢嘅演技不容置疑…后来先补习真正大师级功力嘅The Thick of It MT呢种角色并非人人驾驭到 Glaswegian加分不少 爆发力(爆粗)可能系最吸引嘅方面展开全文
1) arcade where Jacky shopped in 101 2) estate where Rose lived 3) chip shop Rose stored and opened Tardis 4) police station in Blink 5) 11th diner 6) time rift 7) Donna's workplace in Runaway bride 8) church in Fathers day 9) house raided in Empty child 展开全文
9th reminiscence today. Tell me what u see but the American diner where 11th and River exchange diary is here in Mermaid quayside. Bit tacky and food was awful but the whole walk was great #WeicoPintu#展开全文
9th reminiscence today. Tell me what u see but the American diner where 11th and River exchange diary is here in Mermaid quayside. Bit tacky and food was awful but the whole walk was great #WeicoPintu#展开全文