#Good night words# To love someone means to accept all, even including the acceptance of his/her leaving away from your life. By then, you will finally understand that only acceptance is all the names of gentleness and grace.展开全文
Chance, if comes up in the wrong time would never be a so called chance at all, it's utmost desperation, which reminds me that turning point comes on the table, reminds me that we finally walked away from each other. Let's just walk away from those memories, silently.展开全文 原微博
我几乎每晚都在做梦。梦境往往比现实还要真实。特别是那些令人悲伤的梦,明明在梦里哭得撕心裂肺,醒过来却只是干涩的眼眶和一副令人费解的痛哭状扭曲的脸。当你丧失一个立场,你便丧失了一个资格,哪怕是宣泄的资格。I cannot wish you two have a happy wedding right now, but hope someday I will.展开全文 原微博