今天读到的一段话'Be natural and normal, and allow God to flow through you. He will take you. His river is already moving toward the sea. Don’t try to swim upstream; don’t try to push the river. Go with the river. That’s what surrender is, and that’s what Sanyas is.” by Osho 展开全文原微博 Yang7272
我和我实习生充满爱意含情脉脉地对望。照片by @鄢皓然Ran 在尼泊尔遇到很多非常优秀的年轻人,总让我觉得这个国家充满了希望。我是真心爱他们啊。 原微博 Yang7272
恩,一定要去哦。我觉得努埃利亚会是我继琅勃拉邦之后又一爱上的地方!@宇华911 //@草草2011: 居然这么美…… 原微博