@广西民族大学大学生通讯社 说: 厚德博学,和而不同.A college is in woods ,in garden and in park. the woods,the garden, the park are in a college. That is Guangxi University for Nationalities showing it's multiculture. http://t.cn/zTiogSB#繁忙毕业季##民族大学##心与水近##高校参观#展开全文 原微博
@Walter_King 的专辑 美丽的广西民族大学 很棒,推荐给大家! 厚德博学,和而不同。 --广西民族大学 A college in woods ,in garden and in park. the woods,the garden, the park in a college. That is Guangxi University for Nationalities .it's has multiculture 🔗 网页链接展开全文