外媒开始报道朱令案了,感谢在海外出差的@李开复 老师注意到报道,我刚翻译完,请大家指正。文章写得专业客观,非常棒。以@姚晨 的微博开头,以@一毛不拔大师 的感慨结尾,读来酣畅淋漓。 If we don’t stand up for Zhu Ling, people reason, who will stand up for me? 原版: 🔗 网页链接展开全文
行文非常官方,是美方通稿?? //@凯迪网络: To share words of support with the family and friends of LU Lingzi you may post messages here:🔗 网页链接 Using this secure online form, you may make a gift to The LU Lingzi Scholarship Fund using your Roy戎胜文: 🔗 网页链接展开全文