Ria & Louise sitting on a tree, K-I-S.....oopss!!LOL好久不見的小夥伴Ria,累成狗的節奏謝謝不嫌棄瘸子媽蛋身上sun cream甚麼的一點都沒擦謝謝本來套著很薄的jumper只穿背心裡面後來熱得快燒起來,頭髮披著背上出汗已經裡面濕到沒朋友,脫!!!!看看看!!再看收錢!!!展开全文
my feelings for u had been woven of sentiment rather than passion,i cherish for u da liveliest feeling of affection n gratitude,i wish i can held dis faith long as i can, nitenite luv x展开全文
guys jst um..i really want to get on wiv my normal routine, im kind of busy later cuz exo's music video's gunna release in like abt 10minutes or somethin i WOULD LIKE TO DISCUSS DA WIV MA FRIENDS N STUFF, anything goes further, I WILL LET UGUYZ KNOW, so stop retweet dis, cheers x展开全文 原微博
darling solli solli da standard of it wasnt fully exquisite dis time cuz its under kinda rush but we will make sure it gets better n better everytime it goes xxxx展开全文