life's always like this: when u r planning ur perfect day with absolutely high and passionate spirit, thinking of 'what could possibly go wrong?' here it comes the drama. Well, in a way I'm glad. Cuz I could never get sick of teenage drama. LMFAO!展开全文
今天在hk买了les miserables 25周年演唱会的dvd。这个cast已经近乎完美了。尤其是eponine的演员的声音太完美了。电影版也是她,a little fall of rain太好听了,她每次唱我都要哭。而且越看越美。今天去看第二次悲惨世界,又是从头哭到尾唉。我也想到美国去读音乐剧了我的天我想去唱音乐剧啊啊啊!展开全文