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//@hallogallo: Hi Everyone, you can sign up to collaborate with these guy on their website 89plus.com. It's good to upload pictures and links to any videos and images. You can also send me links to your work and I can forward it on directly to one of the organisers. Good luck 展开全文公布:策展人Simon Castets 和小汉斯现在想找一些亚洲后89年的艺术家,设计师,导演,创作人,等,合作实验艺术的系列活动。🔗 网页链接 @杨圆圆LukaYang @你好我是雪特不是shit-Yorkson @带带ROXMA 转发 1评论 0 原微博 我整个人都不高兴了
MAO今晚上CNHC的视频和点评在哪儿?难道完全被好声音的刷屏淹没了? 原微博