Congratulations to @中关村toastmasters to be the winner team.Congratulations to @满xiao地 from @SupernovasTMC to be the best debater.@AthenaToastmasters organized this compitition very well,thank all the participants and all the distinguished guests.展开全文
The most eye-catching event is coming,It's the inter-club debate compitition!Tonight,@SupernovasTMC will vs @中关村toastmasters .The subject is " A pure friendship can /cannot exist between a man and a woman. "Welcome to support us!Good luck with all the contestants.展开全文
Dear fellow toastmasters and guests, Supernovas moves to a new meeting room, new start, new FBD, new life, we are waiting for you! more detail at 🔗 网页链接展开全文