@媛梦集 - This Sat Her Dream will host an event in the famous Bennett Media Studio, to realize our dreams through love, positive energy and helping hands. Welcome to the Newyork Chapter Launching Business Forum cum Summer Soirée" - when Forbidden City meets Good Old Manhattan.展开全文
给力的姐妹们来啦!我们家Claire和凝在美国碰到始源啦!还帮siwon录了一段语音给我. "Hi Snow 我是崔始源,很高兴听到你的声音、have a good day!" 香港的闺密们都听到啦!都晕倒啦!Good luck with SJ Super 5 concert! See ya back in Korea! 有姐妹真好!2013年人品爆发年!展开全文