早有了心里准备,却一直不敢看good wifeE16...哭惨了,像个傻逼,Will的死让我发现其实情真意切地爱着他。 Drama isn't in the event, it39;s in the aftermath of the event. People decide their future in a heartbeat, and don't know how important that heartbeat is. Will, you39;ll be missed... 展开全文原微博 Silverlining鸢
分享之~有用哟 //@远汀舞Jessica: 对日式英语的偏爱已无法用语言形容[转发]//@-雷满-: 嘛可能有用~ @大晚儿 @远汀舞Jessica @丁颍Kate @FerdinandTheDonkey @Dream_Maker_ @钦铬锂锡 @Verrrrgen @常磐森林的皮卡秋 @Silverlining鸢 展开全文原微博 Silverlining鸢
文明之路,任重而道远。 【你知道这些数字吗】据@央视新闻,清理100米的通道,环卫工膝盖要弯曲2000次;一天在天安门附近捡到近3000个烟头;清理一块口香糖,至少要花2分钟;清理400个台阶,要花将近8个小时……今早,环卫工又在天安门广场清理出5吨垃圾。 href="" target="_blank" title="" class="text-fw-blue-primary hover:underline hover:underline-offset-4">🔗 网页链接 文明中国,靠你我塑造,不乱扔垃圾,从我做起! 转发 1758评论 504 原微博 Silverlining鸢
IF I escaped reality, would I be happier? Perhaps another world is hopeful, imperfect and saccharine in a lovely way. Perhaps it's just a romantic illusion. Life is unsatisfying indeed, and it is an unsatisfying reality. The pure joy of watching this film outweighs any word. 展开全文原微博