#禄鼎记# 红油猪脑填补下开大的脑洞,财神炒饭粒粒分明且量大,酸菜鲈鱼两斤起叫去骨啖啖肉,饭后红白甜品去酸去辣。等位过程画1015个圈圈会送凉菜,点菜小哥真逗,要不火锅要不只有大盆酸辣鱼等二选一菜式有点少,天河店旧址原来是绿茵阁呵呵。走出去是为了更好地回来,此局名为“践行”。[拜拜]
Lost in oblivion,dark and silent and complete. I found freedom. Losing all hope was freedom.——《Fight Club》
"You can be as mad as a mad dog at the way things went.You could swear,curse the fates.But when it comes to the end,you have to let go."——《The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button》.NITE.
无霖到大学以来你已经两次嚟华农造访我仲记得系我宿舍楼下吃嘅牛杂么你仲要递D不良食品比我!!哈哈!话知你法国时间系几点啦,中国时间已经系12.7!生日快乐@NF_低bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb 皆因你的造型太鬼佬feel而我又无你近照,只能爆张你一柱擎天的非正面照了哈哈!