'There are 8 sufferings in life: Birth, old age, sickness, death, being apart from the loved ones, being together with the despised ones, suffering of not getting what one wants, and suffering of the flouishing of the Five Skandhas.' - Buddha展开全文
馬的! 很少飆髒話!最近敘利亞實在亂到一個可以 ! 使用沙林殺死1300個平民!其中多數還是兒童!!連雙手被反綁的戰俘也殺! 殺了還把心臟挖出來吃!馬的FQ!! 宗教立國真的是很可怕!這個時候鋼鐵人在哪裡???睡著了嗎???Iron Man, Where are you? Syria needs you !! @RobertDowneyJr展开全文