昨晚的快本~~~其实吴昕真人好瘦的...@Syl_龙思 茜妞已经瘦成一道闪电了好不好!!她的大腿堪比我的小腿... @_曾洁怡 周冬雨好沉默全程都没说几句...赵丽颖真人好漂亮好漂亮,女神啊~~~~我后面和右边的女生全场都在“宋茜陈晓,我爱你们~~~”真心为她们嗓子捉急... 原微博 Michelle__楠
Every big occasion,everytime when it comes to serious events,luck is always there to guide me,to get me through all difficulties. This time,I still want it to be with me,give me one more miracle, witness another big turning of my life.I need you this time, please don't fail me. 展开全文原微博