I was sleeping when you were mad at me...[挖鼻屎]...are you gonna kill me [泪] dear boss,forgive me...Coz I forgive you,too.[可爱] I confess that I missed you just like you did[心]展开全文 原微博
I just wanna keep away from u weird schizophrenic... Really abominate your affectation...why do u always behave like a victim as if you were hurt by everyone ? Banshee ! 展开全文 原微博
no wonder we r livin in such a terrible environment: ( We hv to balance the economic development&environment protection... //@中国国家地理: 北非、阿拉伯半岛、中国新疆等地区颜色偏红可能和沙漠地貌类型有关,增加浮尘与沙尘暴天气的几率;印度北部、巴基斯坦颜色也很红,中国东部、四川盆展开全文