铁打的女王 流水的总统啊。。。[偷笑] 原微博 Liz_Xia
哈哈 我笑而不语 就不纷纷 @ 了 [偷笑][偷笑][偷笑] //@哆啦小璇子: 哈哈哈哈 原微博 Liz_Xia
You are not gonna lose me, Mathilda. You've given me a taste for life. I wanna be happy, sleep in a bed, have roots. You'll never be alone again. Please, go now, baby, go...... I love u Mathilda... @右南兮-Chao 展开全文原微博 Liz_Xia
<Before Midnight> 比想象中的好看〜 小推荐一下〜 @右南兮-Chao 我在:Barton Square 原微博