【Cecilia Bartoli - Beautiful Moments】:"Ombra mai fu";"Sposa, non mi conosci";"Gelido in ogni vena";"Agitata da due venti";"Gelosia";"Domine Deus";"Lascia la spina";"Voi che sapete";"Piu non v'ascondo";"Combatton quest'alma";"Palpitanti sfere belle".🔗 网页链接展开全文
看到各種朋友在這裡、朋友圈或FB上抱怨巴黎鴿子成災,以我剛離開巴黎不久的經驗看來,比起羅馬肆無忌憚的「鳥患」來說根本不值一提嘛!洋鬼子朋友Tom以其自打出生就沒離開過意大利的經驗教導說:遇鳥則擺出「大力士」健美pose則可趨吉避凶,此招逢禽無往不利! 我在:Piazza della Rotonda展开全文
《Anna Karenina》Direct by Joe Wright,Screenplay by Tom Stoppard,Music by Dario Marianelli,Cast:Keira Knightley,Jude Law,Aaron Taylor-Johnson,Domhnall Gleeson ... 🔗 网页链接 🔗 网页链接展开全文
Bach【Christmas Oratorio(BWV 248)】🔗 网页链接 Sir John Eliot Gardiner conducts the Monteverdi Choir and the English Baroque Soloists in a performance of Bach's Christmas Oratorio BWV 248 to begin their year long Cantata Pilgrimage.展开全文
Bach【Christmas Oratorio(BWV 248)】🔗 网页链接 Sir John Eliot Gardiner conducts the Monteverdi Choir and the English Baroque Soloists in a performance of Bach's Christmas Oratorio BWV 248 to begin their year long Cantata Pilgrimage.展开全文