Between his family, tours, music production, and his awe-inspiring weekly radio program, he found time to take our interview. Fr Jun 16th-20th on@HITFM HIT FOCUS, it was an INTENSE hangover. 🔗 网页链接展开全文
Ha!Snow White,Beauty and the Beast,Tarzan,Hercules,The Lion King,Pocahontas,Aladdin,Lady and the Tramp,The Little Mermaid..05年吧,迪士尼告别了传统的手绘动画片,但是它们和它们的音乐永远是我的最爱传统即经典,经典即永恒。Let us stay in Neverland.展开全文
One of my all time favorites!Bryan Adams"Have You Ever Really Loved a Woman"taken from his 7th studio album"18 Til I Die", also featured in the 1995 movie"Don Juan DeMarco" starring Johnny Depp and Marlon Brando.伸个懒腰,好听shi了。 🔗 网页链接 展开全文