关于MH370剧情越来越扑朔迷离,马来政府的声明一天一个样,吸引全世界更多关注,可重点是飞机仍没找到。清早办事情,和那里的receptionist 聊天,她说为啥这事发生在她要去holiday的前两周,而且她刚好要到马来西亚转马航飞去Singapore,还没出行已经开始担忧了hope everyone have a safe trip![心]展开全文 原微博
今天jim和大家说,好朋友30 yrs anniversary 用A-k来表达对妻子的爱意,A adorable,(原谅我,此时已经欢呼出来了,多么有爱的老公啊)B beautiful, C cute, D delightful, E elegant , F Foxy, G gorgeous, H happy...guess what is I-K? 我在想I impressive?结果他竟然说 'I'm joking'听完脸都歪了。展开全文 原微博
I'm so glad to hear that' jas, u r my inspiration for running!' So don't give up, keep running, Otherwise u can only be supper jelly of how beautiful shapes those hot women r!展开全文 原微博
We were talking abt sky fall, Tina: Ross u need to watch it, it is worth watching! Ross: na I don't like Daniel Craig, he just has face jobs! I like the other guy Sean Connery Me: no, he is cute, u must get jealous Ross! Ross: get jealous what, I'm working for HI... 展开全文 原微博
Mozart 真心不适合我,我更爱Johann Sebastian Bach,更恢弘,更澎湃,更能诉说心中所想。发现有了点年纪就会想念小时候的场景,又禁不住想起小时候练琴的惨状~每天完成功课之后都不得不稳坐练琴至少2小时,那时候住在奶奶家,奶奶虽然听不懂但是一定要监督我练足至少2小时琴的。展开全文 原微博