wow, u r so sweet//@青幽柠檬草: Wow〜! //@MichaelOwen: 回复@雨儿_flora好好学习天天向上: Haha! I didn't know @文章同學 is a famous actor! Still nice to wish him happy birthday even though he has probably never heard of me! I have now added you to the list of people I follow. 展开全文原微博 lainey阳光啦
银魂主题曲 《昙天》铅色的天空……太阳已不见@shakane 看看大家怎么说>>🔗 网页链接 #你想用哪首歌来形容雾霾天气# 连日来,全国大部分地方都是雾蒙蒙,这样的天空会不会干扰到了你的心情?如果用一首歌来形容雾霾天,你想用哪首歌呢? @今日话题 转发 1评论 0 原微博