哈哈我说我怎么跟着看了半天没看到,怎么也没想到是480的位置 //@JohnRoss431: Not cute. Idea simple. If want understand life of average people need to live life as close to average people as possible//@yumi420: 市长爷爷超可爱,自己抢480的票,规规矩矩排队进场,还搭火车走…[太开心] 展开全文Thank you to all the corn who made me so welcome at the 李宇春 concert in Qingdao last night [鼓掌] I thought you might like to see one of the many fans I met at the concert #李宇春WhyMe演唱会# #我来青岛看WhyMe# 展开全文转发 1121评论 347 原微博 GOUGOUGOUGOU
今儿一站到底那个杨昕是 @牌牌你好 ? 原微博