sparkling the ground, interesting ideology...will be censured for sure. hunger game I was on shown in GZ, I just wonder how come it is not censure the sensitive lines. //@大力做大力愛: 猛片推荐,速转!!2013美国最新动作大片《饥饿游戏2》!!展开全文
是独立思考使人的创意无限.ICQ是以色列人九十年代末想出来的,现在进化到whatsapp, wechat, KIK...imagination is more important than knowledge---AE. no need to mentioned Facebook, google...starts from sketches...展开全文
【英语早咖啡】All who have accomplished great things have had a great aim, have fixed their gaze on a goal which was high, one which sometimes seemed impossible.-Orison Marden成就伟业的人都有一个伟大的目标,并且专注于目标。有时候,这个目标好像遥不可及。(美国作家:奥里森•马登)