#JNX Tibet sharing# Sangela@简灰灰 has participated in#voluntourism#for several years. She's traveling to Qinghai province next month to bring some daily neccesities for local people again. She said it is not difficult to help people during your travel, and it makes her happy.展开全文
#JNX Tibet sharing# Thank you for attending last Sunday's sharing! Thank you for Amy and Sangela@简灰灰 who shared their travel tips and volunteer experience in their travels. You can make your travel more meaningful and help with people in need in Tibet with your action!展开全文
#Anthony's Bakery Kitchen# Guys, do you want to cook some delicious small desert? Come and learn from Anthony at 4:40 this Saturday! This time we can learn how to make Chocolate Muffin!!!想要亲手做些美味的小甜点吗?赶快来参加本周六的活动,跟Anthony学做巧克力松饼吧展开全文