When the loss cannot be avoided; the pride of knowing that one has done one's best, with the courage to act truely according to one's own nature; and the will to face defeat or victory without whining on one hand or boasting on the other. Grace Under Pressure.展开全文
Hemingway's Code Hero: The "Hemingway Code" of manhood does not involve mere physical strength, sexual potency, or ability to accumulate wealth. According to this code, a man is definded by will, pride and endurance: the endurance to accept pain, even loss.展开全文 转发 1评论 0
Hemingway's Code Hero: The "Hemingway Code" of manhood does not involve mere physical strength, sexual potency, or ability to accumulate wealth. According to this code, a man is definded by will, pride and endurance: the endurance to accept pain, even loss.展开全文 原微博