机场的告别。7周的共同生活要告一段落了,真的要分别了,但我们彼此难说再见!这段美好的时光,我们永生难忘!Time to say our farewells at the airport. After 7 weeks together, it's Auf Wiedersehen. This time will always bind us.展开全文
全队于昨晚抵达营地。今日,全队进行分析与总结。球员有些进行单独训练,有些球员给自己放松一下。The team arrived in Porto Seguro last night! It's all quiet in Campo Bahia today. Recovery, analysis and individual training is on the agenda.展开全文
半个多小时之后的比赛也是默特萨克在德国国家队的第100场比赛!作为纪念他获得了一双新的战靴!Mertesacker makes his 100th international appearance for GER! He's got some special boots to mark the occasion.展开全文
世界杯揭幕战结束了!巴西队最终以3:1战胜克罗地亚队。祝贺巴西队获得本次世界杯的首个3分!The first game of the World Cup is over! Hosts Brazil saw off Croatia 3:1. Well done to Brazil for picking up the first 3 points in Brazil!展开全文