#时尚2012之李宇春# 对于李宇春的时尚2012来说 她绝对是本年度的时尚宠儿和所谓的逆袭 没有人能想到她顺利得到JPG老爷子的高定系列作为演唱会战服 没有人能想到她成为GIVENCHY2013亚洲仅有的赞助受益人 没有人能想到她跻身欧莱雅全球代言 她成功在一片女演员中杀出血路 获得万千宠爱 年度好评度:98%
I have no idea with that. Poor guy Hope you can have a ticket soon Thank you for support Li Yuchun (Chris Lee)
I left it too late to buy a ticket for Li Yuchun's London show next week . I didn't expect them to sell out because Wembley Arena is huge! Does anyone have any advice where I can buy a ticket?