It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. It was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity. It was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness. Never mind, have a wonderful dream~展开全文
呓语者——醒时不自知,梦中吐真言。 彼时的癫痴疯狂,化成此时梦中孩童般的至纯至真。 当我熟睡说着梦话,请别叫醒我,我的真心话不是轻易能够告诉你的,懂不懂我一听便知;当我醒来揉着眼睛,请别告诉我,我的小秘密并不想让彼此分享,爱或不爱似懂非懂。 I‘m a somniloquist. It's not so bad.展开全文