【BFCP早安语】Sometimes, we want to smile, but have to put on a sad expression; sometimes, we want to cry, but must be extruded rigid smile.有时候,我们想笑,却必须要装出悲伤的神情;有时候,我们想哭,却必须要挤出僵硬的笑容。[在这个世界上我们必须学会藏住心里的话,但勿忘本]展开全文
【BFCP晚安语】There are things that we don't want to happen but have to accept,things we don't want to know but have to learn,and people we can't live without but have to let go. cr:_koko求少爷给RP展开全文
【BFCP晚安语】 hank you for the good times,the days you filled with pleasure.Thank you for fond memories and feelings I'll always treasure.谢谢你给我的美好时光,那些被你用欢乐填满的日子。谢谢你给我的温柔回忆,和那些我会永远珍藏的感觉。cr:JoKwangmin赵光旻吧展开全文