It was the value you put on the people who provide the service that means to you, not the cash, the cash, the cash put on your hand. I was so fucking tired of shopping for big name bags for business occasion or whatever, and people of dignity would not care. Naked run, for fun展开全文 原微博
Upon my arrival back to silicon valley, the news is one of the biggest law firm filed bankruptcy, and the first time came to my mind is how sad to run a law firm. But I really wanna people around my farther start to respect him, no matter whether he works as a taxi driver or展开全文 原微博
what kind of life worth living? what kind of life is intolerable? To live naked, no money/job/love/proud, even with humiliation, i had it; the best thing I learned from volunteering to read to patients in hospital, is to live, to love and to believe.展开全文 原微博
children's literature:文艺圈聚会,教育学家,儿童书的educational function和叙述方式,对于成年人之间的review/criticism/endorsement也很有借鉴意义。总体来说,美国人的方式比较positive,instead of saying" do NOT do something", they say "Why not DO that?".Have you noticed?展开全文 原微博
Sullivan (1953),青春期的“chumship”,童年密友, 是发展”a healthy sense of narcissism“的基础,而这个是日后成年"self-esteem"的基础。---我的神经没有那么强韧,我的青春期只有少数密友,很少有过自我感觉良好的popular,只能读social psychology,看正常人;不开心事找clinical psychologist吧展开全文 原微博
刚到美国时候,美国有第一个黑人总统选举人,我的房东说,美国人不会要一个黑人也不会要一个女人做总统;老板第2天带我们上法院,课题也包括08会不会选上,猜想是,会。然后他选上了。5年后,老板拿了这个领域的终身成就奖。“Oh, I’m too old to be excited by this.” 只听你的心展开全文 原微博
I can never have the guts to defend my honor and wounded pride with best justice, I can never process all the shit, dirt, and overwhelming shame. Those shame stay in my hearts, linger in my soul, day in and day out, and is killing me with unjustified voice.展开全文 原微博
佛家说的修行,一言一行一德一功,既要顺应内心,又要创造postive的message, 日日言行不失,思维不涣散就是修行,think positive and act appropriate, read the message and make a non-wrong decision,一点都不简单。展开全文 原微博
I find it far more impressive than the Chinese Imperial Palace in the Forbidden City in Beijing. While the Forbidden City is sterile, the Potala oozes faith. -----reading NICHOLAS D. KRISTOF's note about trip to Lhasa, e,e,e, I do not want to be overacting, just for a mark.展开全文 原微博
我觉得美国在知识产权上有道德优越感的质问,而国人对有国家主义的情绪,在国家知识产权局网站上,也是充满,“跨国公司运用知识产权排挤竞争对手”类似有情绪的言论。既然在商言商,就要有professional 的态度。 //@Blossomyouth: very interested in this topic!展开全文