新天地。多拉A梦 万分感谢摄影师@carrot始 还有向导@胡大佛_HuDevil 下次再去玩~ 原微博 BevWhyAreUhere
#TEDxCollegeofWilliam&Mary# 学校终于有TED event了。教授,学生,校友,还有其它演讲者都好厉害!! So inspiring!! can't believe I was helping out at an actual live TED event!! #Life is full of possibilities # 展开全文原微博 BevWhyAreUhere
It's really nice out today. can't believe it's been 7 years.. I can still recall all the exact memories I had with my parens at DC. Time really flies. 展开全文原微博 Beverly想念下雪
马丁路德金被枪杀的案发现场。Ray有可能在这角度(motel对街一房间的厕所)用rifle射击当时在306房间的马丁路德金. 今天在#National Civil Rights Museum# 居然会看到。好沉重。为了自由要用多少条生命来换取. 一会看看中国以前那xxx事件的视频. 展开全文原微博