今年上海国际当代戏剧节很想请实验歌剧《Have a good day》来演出,可是没法承担剧组来沪的机票钱,这样的演出永远不可能靠票房来平衡的。九年了,一百多台国内外的剧目来沪演出,想靠毅力来支撑一个戏剧节,真的很难!若大的上海难道就不能谁再给点钱请些高质量的优秀作品来吗?嫉妒乌镇了。转发 1评论 0
What if we’d taken all the fireworks that were used last night all over China and dropped them on Japan? That country would now be the deepest part the Pacific Ocean. I know, we’re supposed to forgive them and love them (but it is an interesting thought ; )展开全文