BAZING-GA!!!!! 原微博 Andy零零七
See ya soon....Beijing get ready!@牛牛兔兔妈 @luna的梦境小屋 @芳杰西 原微博 Andy零零七
Less than 2 days until my flight home to Beijing!!! About 38 hours to be exact.. I'm not counting or anything..@马哥正传 @芳杰西 @牛牛兔兔妈 原微博 Andy零零七
Ahhhh My boss. So cool!! //@小兔luoluo: He looks like a movie star //@Delphinee: 可亲可敬的Frank //@懂你更懂自己: 赞 //@小路路头: 老板太有范了 原微博 Andy零零七
@芳杰西 @牛牛兔兔妈 Some happy faces from Beijing ready to help!! Nice to see you all..!! 原微博