周海媚facebook: Nu Skin產品至今成为全球最大且发展最迅速的直销公司之一,业务遍及亚洲、美洲、欧洲、非洲及太平洋地区等48个市场, 全球年营业额达13亿美元(约合100亿人民币),活跃销售人员超过80万人,乃直销业之翘楚。如新中国更是第一批获发中国直销经营许可证的直销公司之一,這个產品很好用.展开全文
Its not hard,but I have a request,n u have to follow this.Plz stop your another company'skin care products for a while when u r using our machine.Nuskin guaranteed 100% natural.And Id't think theres another company can do it.If 2 different companys mix 2gether,it will be nothing.展开全文
@DaDaDaDaDaXi Hey Sis, thanks for your money, your packages will be ship after 2days cuz u know today is Saturday in America,and I will send u the tracking number ASAP. thanks a lot!展开全文
@DaDaDaDaDaXi Hey Sis, thanks for your money, your packages will be ship after 2days cuz u know today is Saturday in America,and I will send u the tracking number ASAP. thanks a lot!展开全文