- 宝贝明天还要回韩国参加乐天家族演唱会吧,辛苦了,我们khunnie boy Zzang man照顾好自己哦。
- [130809] Musical_chanwoo MC_(cr:the logo)(分享自 @优酷网) 🔗 网页链接
- [FA] chanwoo so cute!(cr:logo)
- 《[HD] 2PM 3rd Album 'Grown' Grand Edition - Taecyeon Interview》 [HD] 2PM 3rd Album 'Grown' Grand Edition - Taecyeon Interview - cr:Ohu Dushi 🔗 网页链接 (分享自 @土豆网娱乐) 展开全文
- MBC Dancing with the star 2pm
- 【转自twitter】JYPnation:[@ stat1 June, 2013] #2PM# has the best suit style none the more!! 🔗 网页链接
- 今天才发现崽子们的新浪微博背景都换了,泽演的头像都换了,难道忙内、泽演没忘记密码?还是工作人员给弄的呢?
- //@KN_nam: //@DearJWY: 320K的高音质MP3下载戳【http://t.cn/zTI25zA】也算得上是首老歌呢……一起来回忆回忆过去吧~^^(一首歌下载了快一个多小时这件事情我是不会乱说的。。嗯。。。)
- @2PMJun_K oppa,WE LOVE YOU! gan kuai jiao taecyeon OPPA and chansung lai WEIBO!tamen bu hui dao xian zai hai mei zhao dao mi ma ba?????
- If 2PM fat, they will look like this LOL >> cr as tagged
- [PIC] Thai Hottest’s project for Nichkhun [Khun will be the main MC for KMW in Bangkok March 16 credit blizzard_p( cr:REALHOTTEST)
- 130312 khunnie棒棒糖一直不离口,手里还有一个,给个泽演啊(cr:logo)
- 泽演偶吧推特更新:“이건 부모님이 사주신거라네~ㅋㅋㅋ 2년만에 찾아서 다시 하는것일뿐 맘대로 엮지마시게나~허허허”韩语无力!偶吧,你这什么表情!!!好像说的是戒指!
- 030213 WTII Manilla Taecyeon 🔗 网页链接 ||cr:AnhV2690
- cr:Memoria_S2: 민준케 햇살ㅜㅜ笑容要杀人啦。杀死我吧
- "A Song For You from 2PM" Khun Behind the scenes 4
- @weiKhun: 20130111 2PM Nichkhun news Apple Daily from Taiwan !唉,这篇文章,我有些无语!