没事出来发微博凑凑〜 I said I am worry about the Oxford test. Surprised~Tony gone on be said:Abby,U worry too much.U must be pass!If u don't pass.So call me. Asked:For what?It not be deal.___He said.....I will cry~Asssss 展开全文原微博 Abby_want_to_be_independent
作为理科生一个星期的我~感觉 十分充实~~比以前更加开心~~~Happy 哈皮~~~新老师都很好啊 同学都很 开朗!同桌依旧好 @我不是妹子你才是妹子 ~尤其Uncle 单的替代品——黄建荣 童鞋——值得鼓励 深得咱的宠幸——I belive I can fly~~~哈哈哈哈哈哈~~~我爱数理化 走遍天下都不怕~~~~~玩一般的学习~~~~~ 展开全文原微博