【BBC NEWS-自由贸易区将解禁 Twitter和Facebook】The Chinese government could be about to relax its strict censorship laws, albeit only in a small area of one of its cities.Facebook, Twitter and other websites will be unblocked in a free-trade zone of Shanghai.展开全文 原微博
【BBC NEWS-Probe over China fruit-seller death】Police are investigating the death of a fruit seller in China, state media say, amid reports he was beaten by "chengguan" urban security personnel.Deng Zhengjia, in his 50s, died on Wednesday in Chenzhou City, Hunan.展开全文 原微博
【治大国若烹小鲜怎么翻译?】Govern a great nation as you would cook a small fish; do not overdo it.今天和外教Vern聊中国文化,谈到了孔子和老子,谈到了道德经,知识量很大,让我感觉应接不暇,自愧不如,不禁惊叹他对中国文化的精通。语言是文化的衣裳,要想学好语言,先要学好文化,加油吧!展开全文 原微博
【BBC NEWS-中国银行系统稳定】 China's banking system is stable, despite ongoing fears of a "credit crunch" spooking financial markets."The issue with tight liquidity in the interbank market has started to ease," said the head of the China Banking Regulatory Commission.展开全文 原微博
【BBC NEWS-斯诺登寻求厄瓜多尔庇护】 Edward Snowden, the former US intelligence contractor who leaked classified documents revealing US internet and phone surveillance, has asked Ecuador for asylum.The request was confirmed by Ecuador's foreign minister on Twitter.展开全文 原微博
【BBC-NEWS朝特使访华,中态度强硬】North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has sent a special envoy to Beijing.The brief dispatch gave no details of the visit, which comes amid an apparent toughening of Beijing's stance in the wake of Pyongyang's third nuclear test.展开全文 原微博