小编po视频上来,与大家一起再来回顾下北京国际设计周之3D打印展季的精彩瞬间吧!错过的亲们顺道儿来补下 @751时尚资讯网 原微博 360Fashion
@Delex_镂琢意韵 we miss you deeply and pray for your recovery. Our success is your success. 展开全文原微博 360Fashion
2013北京国际设计周之3D狂欢节 - 通过3D科技科技展,人们有机会体验到科技带来的有趣生活。3D 打印展季将展示3D 打印,3D 扫描以,增强现实以及虚拟世界技术。3D 打印展季位于TechNode—极地空间项目区域,该项目由TechNode 执行总裁卢刚... http://t.cn/zRyI8RX 展开全文原微博 360Fashion
@Dior迪奥 esprit de Dior exhibition shanghai MoCa in people's park! Feel the luxury of true craftsmanship. @aninanet @陈虎CFF @陈大鹏CNGA @PaulinainChina @巴黎甜心Pc 展开全文原微博 360Fashion
@BNC薄荷糯米葱 please come to our #3Dprinting##BJDW13##3Dfestival# during @北京国际设计周 @751时尚资讯网 🔗 网页链接 原微博 360Fashion
We so admire you guys!#3Dfestival# come to @北京国际设计周 #BJDW13# and @seeisee what we are doing with #3Dprinting# 🔗 网页链接 原微博 360Fashion
Be the change. @David-Ubl服装设计师 @巴黎甜心Pc @PaulinainChina @PalomaSanchez @CHIC-YOUNGBLOOD @IfByYves衣夫 @李开复 #originalmusic# 原微博 360Fashion
@Business_of_Fashion imran is coming into china! @jasoncampbell @gabrielle-in-北京 我在:东风东路 原微博 360Fashion
还有这种空气质量检测衣,设计师将一种织物做到了T恤上,并以心脏或者是肺的造型出现,当一氧化碳的浓度超标时,心或肺会呈现灰色。希望它们永远都呈现令人赏心悦目的粉色?那我们少开车,多步行,我们的空气质量一定能有所好转!@SlyBris @时尚旅游_余辉 @华绣纺织官方微博 @华夏中殷 @第一纺织网 展开全文原微博 360Fashion
@Microsoft_BizSpark happy to be here at the competition! #bizspark# 原微博 360Fashion
Hi, love to have a demo of your software. Cyril recommended it from china accellorator @Michelini @360Susan-Zhang @Vicky360fashion 我在这里:北京富力广场购物中心 展开全文原微博 360Fashion
//@郭培: 支持芳菲//@y蛮子Z: 又是一道美丽的风景 //@刘芳菲: 斑斕的色彩跃于黑白之上, @郭培 的设计灵动、立体,引人遐想。这款手绢做领巾系在颈间,又是一道风景.谢谢 @郭培 对 @芳菲绿色手绢计划 的支持! #芳菲绿色手绢计划##名师款#《家呢》设计理念:植物被大量砍伐,使鸟儿没有了家。植树造林这个使命落在了我们每个人的身上,呼吁大家保护自然环境,为鸟儿建造属于它的美好家园和乐园。@郭培 @刘芳菲 转发 55评论 22 原微博 360Fashion
@Delex_镂琢意韵 @1626潮流双周刊 hi, so what was the results from your meeting. Before the chic we had a call and you guys said you would meet on the chic. Did you connect? I really want to know more about 1626 and how we can cooperate! 展开全文原微博 360Fashion
@ChLoeYA0 what's your holiday plan? 原微博 360Fashion
@Lucio鲁修 here's what we are doing: 🔗 网页链接 @王盛林Justin 原微博 360Fashion
@洪晃ilook so when do we get to meet you and talk tech! We would love to cooperate with your store: 🔗 网页链接 原微博 360Fashion
@David-Ubl服装设计师 @ThomasCardelli @NadineLucks @徐楠Nathalie @BOYJOE @ralfebyralf @仙人掌小姑奶奶Winnie @FASHIONTV辛元 @AnyShopStyle @Xumu慧 @梦欣nana 原微博 360Fashion
@李大维 is there a hackerspace in beijing that you know of? 原微博 360Fashion
帅哥也往上冲!@中国服装论坛 @北京电视台 @ESMOD北京 @李大维 原微博 360Fashion
RT @诺基亚 #Lumia每日APP#面对心仪的衣服一件件上身试穿,未免太累,不如试试这款WP系统独家应用VERO MODA吧!如果拍照你的衣柜,将会获得更多适合你的惊喜推荐哦 @VEROMODA中国官方微博 @360fashion 🔗 网页链接 原微博 360Fashion
RT @gabrielle-in-北京 Brasil Fashion is in China. @ABEST巴西设计师协会 is on Weibo! 巴西中国!!@GaryShine @Jason逸仙 @jasoncampbell @Michel_STARS @waytob @360Fashion @aninanet @BNC薄荷糯米葱 @ARRTCOcollection璐璐 @angelica张宇 @angelasmeng @MelvinC蔡伟志 @feilook官方微博 展开全文原微博 360Fashion
@RickyKwok郭慶彬 Hi, please pass by our 360Fashion & Technology exhibition in #Milan Fashion Week# at lo spazio editori, 2 fl palazzo Giureconsulti, piazza dei Mercanti 1, Milano. Our Fashion & Tech exhibition using 🔗 网页链接 展开全文原微博 360Fashion
@FrementPR-Cheryl Hi, please pass by our 360Fashion & Technology exhibition in #Milan Fashion Week# at lo spazio editori, 2 fl palazzo Giureconsulti, piazza dei Mercanti 1, Milano. Our Fashion & Tech exhibition using 🔗 网页链接 展开全文原微博 360Fashion
Our 360Fashion & Tech exhibition #MFW# lo spazio editori, 2 fl palazzo Giureconsulti, piazza dei Mercanti 1, Milano. If there don't miss it! @gabrielle-in-北京 @angelica张宇 展开全文原微博 360Fashion
Happy New Year! @贺妮可 @红黄蓝官方微博 @洪晃ilook @呼延梦嘉 @胡雯 @胡月Phoebe @环球企业家杨福 @环球搜索wgogogo @寰宇街拍in @皇瓜-李稚 @黄攀Holly @黄薇 @魂魄_LH @火狐虹影 原微博 360Fashion
A great story today: when did men stop wearing high heels? Not to be missed: 🔗 网页链接 @David-Ubl服装设计师 @AaronKelley姚纪安 @PalomaSanchez @陈虎CFF 原微博 360Fashion
Lifestyle Magazine @lifestyle品味生活 the first in China to do Augmented Reality! Watch the leaders they are partners of 360Fashion China @Antoine的围脖 @Nels费 展开全文原微博 360Fashion
@GlamorousAve @CHIC-YOUNGBLOOD @360Fashion #360fashion##cyb##nokia# 原微博 360Fashion
@RichardBranson @360Fashion @CHIC-YOUNGBLOOD #nokia##cyb##360fashion# 原微博 360Fashion
Can’t decide what nail color to wear today? Now you don’t have to be bothered with such major life decisions. Ruby Wing, a new line of nail polish that changes color in the sun, features a magical “photochromic” technology and gives you two distinct colors in one bottle. 展开全文原微博