How much I miss u all lovely girls so that I could cry as last time. Hehehe We Nancy Five-Handsomes now in the airport waving hands for a remote goodbye again. The hottest temperature we'd gone thru, as the promise that we heated a 50°C. À bientôt! 上海虹桥国际机场展开全文
Shit!!! What's the fucking porn advertising effect doing????? Chinese never ever made shit porn like other Asian countries! At least I've never seen. What I've seen was that short pricks on the screen! That's really losing the Asian man face! Habonese! 我在:🔗 网页链接展开全文
Dsl, je ne peux pas dire j'ai mal à la tête. Mais je veux ça. Si tu es ici... Dormir! Bonne nuit. Ne pas google traduire ça svp. Si tu fais, merde!!! 我在:🔗 网页链接展开全文
对@周兆聪 说:ur new iPad!! Rest in Peace!!! lol ~~ u can give that iPad mini a big fuck. maybe iPad 4 as well need your dick. hahhaha... but i have no idea abt the iPad4. i was just too lazy to read the news ... u know that??? coz i so far just know the mini one.展开全文 原微博