回复@飞飞安VX: 本周演讲嘉宾是:储尔勇Stephen Chu,Kong Ming CEO.原Agenda Shanghai CEO,拥有超过10年的互动营销经验。演讲主题:大数据引爆大创意 Why big data can lead to big ideas.时间:11月1日 19:00 地点:中山南路1029号幸福码头时尚创意园区内侧 3F/Studioark/Studio A 跟我们一起激发big i展开全文
I'm glad you enjoyed the talk. //@欧阳小蛇: 广告人的TED讲座!氛围很棒,观点很棒,酒水也很棒 //@骆耀明_Andrew_Lok: 回复@暴走模式的小九九: It's sponsored by CIVILIZATION. Our contribution to helping young people in advertising glean insights from the top minds in the business.展开全文
Our first guest speaker this Friday at 7PM will be Chris Tung, CEO of VMLim2.0 The topic will be "Ideas in the Age of Social: Why the best time to be a creative person is now". VMLim2.0 was successfully acquired by WPP. Martin Sorrell is a lucky man. @文明广告_CIVILIZATION展开全文
//@成小碧: in a silent way,shh...//@小卷碎碎念: 这就一年了···想去年晒了作品去了上海识了大师受了启发回了香港后知后觉被劈了腿,现在想来虽然还是后怕但好在一切在还没更坏之前就已经见了明月换了工作写了文章有了大家以及遇了他. 你说,年轻不晒何时晒? @骆耀明_Andrew_Lok@成小碧展开全文